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Tummy Tuck Surgery

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An Introduction

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) may be performed using local anesthesia with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. When surgery is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored. You may be permitted to go home after a few hours, unless you and your plastic surgeon have determined that you will stay in the hospital overnight. By implementing tummy-tuck, the lower stomach area can be tightened in shape as desired.

Full Tummy-tuck or Abdominal Contouring


The tummy tuck is one of the most commonly performed and satisfying of all body plastic surgery procedures. It is so effective because it does something that diet and exercise cannot do at all i.e. remove loose skin. Muscles can be tightened and some fat removed by non-surgical methods but loose and extra skin will only respond to surgery. Many patients do have a hanging pouch of skin consisting of more skin rather than fat in lower tummy area. This has to be removed directly as this will not be responding to liposuction alone.

This procedure involves removing an ellipse of skin from the lower portion of tummy along with or without liposuction. For this reason tummy tuck surgery is both highly desired and performed, and remains the gold standard in body contouring when there is excess skin. Tummy tuck surgery can produce some extremely dramatic changes in a patient’s waistline and frontal abdominal contour. By removing a large horizontal ellipse of loose skin and fat, a tightening and flattening effect is seen when the remaining abdominal tissues are put back together.

An added advantage of Tummy-tuck is that it can remove those stretch marks that have appeared on
your lower abdomen after childbirth.

Abdominal contouring is the most common body changes that many patients request. Pregnancy, fluctuations in weight and for some their own genetics make for this body centric area a focus of appearance and clothing wear. The good news is that the bigger the patient and the more abdominal tissue that is removed, the greater the weight loss and the more sustained it is.

Mini Tummy-tuck or Mini Abdominoplasty

A mini tummy-tuck is a tailored procedure that includes the tightening of the lower abdomen area only and it has nothing to do with the navel replacement as it is done when the amount of loose skin is minimal and the excess fat deposits are located below the navel, only a short horizontal incision is all that is necessary and an incision around the navel can be avoided. This procedure is called a partial, or “mini,” abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck). The procedure may include tightening of the underlying abdominal muscles using sutures.

Circumferential abdominoplasty

A circumferential abdominoplasty is an extended abdominoplasty plus a buttock lift. The resulting scar runs all the way around the waist, and the operation is also called a Belt Lipectomy or Body Lift. This operation is most appropriate for patients who have undergone massive weight loss or having loose & hanging skin all around the waist line.

Are you a good candidate for Tummy Tuck?

You may be a good candidate for abdominoplasty if you have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Excess or sagging abdominal skin (especially after childbirth)
  • Abdominal muscles that have been separated and weakened (especially after childbirth)
  • An abdomen that protrudes/hangs and is out of proportion to the rest of your body
  • Excess fat that is concentrated in your abdomen along with excess of skin

The Procedure

Generally, a horizontal incision is placed just above the pubic area that extends towards pelvic bones. The length of the incision depends on the amount of skin to be removed. The incision may vary according to the structure of your abdomen and the style of your bathing suit or undergarments. Plastic surgeons try to keep the incision within your bathing suit lines but this may not always be possible. There are many variations to the technique itself. Some patients have loose skin above the navel. In such cases, the surgeon may make a second incision around the navel so that the redundant skin above it can be pulled down. The excess lower abdominal skin is then removed and the hanging navel is re-positioned at its normal place to provide good looking flat abdomen. Sometimes liposuction may be used in conjunction with abdominoplasty, to remove excess abdominal fat (Lipo-abdominoplasty).

Your Recovery

The incision lines though permanent but will fade over time just like cesarean section scar. In most instances, they will eventually be only faint lines but certain individuals may have incision lines that are more noticeable. Fortunately, the scars of abdominoplasty are usually concealed by most of bathing suits and undergarments.

You need to be admitted in the hospital for a day or two, and will be able to perform routine household & office work within a week. You have to wear some kind of elasticated garments to support repaired muscles & tummy for 2-3 months. Overall the total social downtime after abdominoplasty is not more than a week or so.

Some of the potential complications may include, bleeding, infection and reactions to anesthesia. Revision surgery is sometimes helpful in certain instances where incisions may have healed poorly.

Expected Results

Unless you gain or lose a significant amount of weight or become pregnant, your abdomen should remain firmer and flatter for many years. However, gravity and the effects of aging will eventually take their toll. If, after a period of years, you again become dissatisfied with the appearance of your abdomen, you may choose to undergo a second procedure to restore a more youthful body contour. Studies and surveys have repeatedly shown that its initial effects are very visible and, as a result, it has a high patient satisfaction rating.


Ques. When is the right time to consider a Tummy tuck?

Ans. It is advised that a woman should plan for a tummy tuck when she is done having children and feels her family is complete to enjoy long term outcomes because pregnancy can affect the results of the procedure by separating the muscles that were tightened during tummy tuckAns. It is advised that a woman should plan for a tummy tuck when she is done having children and feels her family is complete to enjoy long term outcomes because pregnancy can affect the results of the procedure by separating the muscles that were tightened during tummy tuck.

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